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Grants and Schemes to Help with Energy Bills and Energy Efficiency
Grants and Schemes to Help with Energy Bills and Energy Efficiency

There are a number of grants & schemes to support people heating and powering their homes, which can reduce energy bills up to £250 a year.

Updated over 3 years ago

Grants for helping with energy bills

The Warm Home Discount is a government scheme designed to help those on a low income cover their energy bills during winter when energy bills tend to be more expensive. It provides a one-off rebate (currently £140) to electricity bills via energy providers. They apply the discount to your bill between September and March.

You can find details of the scheme, as well as eligibility criteria and a list of energy suppliers participating in the scheme at

The Cold Weather Payment offers extra money towards heating bills when temperatures drop below zero between November and March. To be eligible you'll need to be receiving certain income-related benefits or Support for Mortgage Interest. You can find out more about the scheme at

The Winter Fuel Payment offers a tax-free sum of between £100 and £300 each winter to anyone born on or before 26 September 1955 to help pay heating bills, regardless of income. More information about the Winter Fuel Payment is available at

Energy-saving help

Energy grants

You might be able to get help for energy-saving improvements to your home if you’re on certain benefits. You may get all or part of the cost of:

  • Loft or cavity wall insulation

  • Boiler repairs or replacements

You must own your property, or rent it privately and have the owner’s permission to do the work. You must also get one of the following benefits: pension credit, child tax credit, working tax credit and be on some form of income support.

To see what energy-saving grants you could get, visit the's Energy Grant Calculator.

Energy checks

Carrying out an Energy Check will help you find ways to improve your home's energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills.

The Smart Export Guarantee

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) pays people for the renewable electricity they have generated and put into the grid. This scheme replaces the government's Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) scheme, which closed to new applicants on 1 April 2019 (except for some exceptions).

Find out more about SEG at

Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

The Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (DRHI) is designed to help towards meeting the costs of installing renewable technologies in your home such as certain heat pumps, biomass boilers or solar water heating. Payments are made for seven years and are based on the amount of renewable heat made by your heating system.

DRHI will close to new applicants on 31 March 2022.

More information is available from the Domestic RHI Scheme.

Green Deal

The Green Deal Home Improvement Fund (GDHIF), which was set up to lend money to Green Deal providers, helps you make energy-saving improvements to your home. Government funding has now finished but you are not affected if the improvements have already been made and you're making repayments through your electricity bill. You may also be able to get funding from providers financing the scheme themselves.

Learn more about the changes on the website.

Local authorities

Some local authorities may also provide energy-saving grants or other offers for local residents to install certain energy efficiency measures in their home. Call your local authority to see if there is any help available in your area.


There are various Scotland specific schemes available, including interest-free loans for energy-saving technology like loft insulation and Warmer Homes Scotland which offers grant funding to help raise the energy efficiency of properties. Find out more about what is available at Home Energy Scotland,


Nest is a Welsh government scheme providing support and advice on saving energy and making your home more energy-efficient. More information is available at Nest Wales.

Northern Ireland

The Boiler Replacement Scheme and the Affordable Warmth Scheme are available to those in Northern Ireland. Find out more about eligibility here.

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